8/31/2010 7:03 PM
I'm stressed...my laptop worked ok yday not working 2day. Looked online; based on my problems i need new motherboard & ac adapter/power supply cord. DEBATING ON BUYING A NEW LAPTOP INSTEAD (been planning to anyway.. just around black friday/christmas time)... I will still try to blog daily but it's far easier w. my laptop. I share the pc so that makes it more difficult to do what i want when I want.
UPDATE: 9/2/2010 11:25 PM
just bought on ebay motherboard and new adapter for under $80... far cheaper than a new laptop..easier on the wallet when one is unemployed. Got them on ebay and from the same seller which is great cos it means I save on shipping and they will arrive at the same time! :) Should arrive in a couple of days and I can't wait. PC is driving me nuts haha. I miss using firefox. Dad did install google toolbar for me which makes things easier and me more productive, but still I miss my laptop. Michael (my older brother who worked with computers) said he'll install my motherboard for me the day we get it! Yey! XD Hopefully that will help with my camera/ picture uploading issues too. Also ordered a USB card reader so that oughta help for sure! I wanna get the pictures up for the cookie recipe! haha
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
21 Things Hiring Managers Wish You Knew (day 2)
We pay attention to the small stuff.
21 Things Hiring Managers Wish You Knew (day 1)
We actually want you to be honest.
Alison Green writes the popular Ask a Manager blog, where she dispenses advice on career, job search, and management issues. She's also the author of
Thursday, August 26, 2010
NetworkedBlogs on Facebook
If you wouldn't mind please confirm me as the author of the following blogs on NetworkedBlogs: Blogger http://ning.it/9EL6C0, Xanga http://ning.it/9kcXOp, LiveJournal http://ning.it/cA1MGt, and 20SB http://ning.it/anj6DJ.
-Rockin Rita-
Please check out all my blogs, my youtube channel, and my twitter. If you like what read please comment and follow!
Assorted Randomness: http://rockinrita.xanga.com
I Heart Randomness: http://20sb.net/profile/rockinrita03
Proud 2 B Random: http://rockinrita03.livejournal.com
Randomness Rocks!: http://rockinrita03.blogspot.com
Rockin Rita's Random YouTube: http://youtube.com/RockinRita03
Rockin Rita's Twitter O' Randomness: http://twitter.com/RockinRita03
-Rockin Rita-
Please check out all my blogs, my youtube channel, and my twitter. If you like what read please comment and follow!
Assorted Randomness: http://rockinrita.xanga.com
I Heart Randomness: http://20sb.net/profile/rockinrita03
Proud 2 B Random: http://rockinrita03.livejournal.com
Randomness Rocks!: http://rockinrita03.blogspot.com
Rockin Rita's Random YouTube: http://youtube.com/RockinRita03
Rockin Rita's Twitter O' Randomness: http://twitter.com/RockinRita03
social media,
social networking
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
5 Reasons Employers Don't Tell Why They Didn't Hire You
I'm currently unemployed. Have been since just before Christmas. As of today I will start posting a series of entries that are career/job related. Hopefully, if any of you my followers/ readers are unemployed these blog entries will help in some way with your search.
All that said, you have nothing to lose by writing back and asking for feedback after you get that vague rejection E-mail. If you do it well (politely, non-defensively) and you have an interviewer who wants to help, you just may get some helpful advice.
5 Reasons Employers Don't Tell Why They Didn't Hire You
By Alison Green
Posted: May 24, 2010
No one likes the form letters that employers use to deliver the
news that you didn't get the job: They're impersonal, they don't have
any real information about why you lost out, they say you were
impressive when obviously you weren't impressive enough, and so forth.
How are job-seekers supposed to become better candidates when these
canned letters don't give them any useful feedback?
Here are five common reasons companies use these maddeningly vague
rejection letters:
1. They're afraid of being sued. Many companies are
under orders from their lawyers not to get into the reasons for job
rejections, in case a candidate doesn't like the explanation and decides
the "real" reason must be discriminatory.
2. They don't want to deal with candidates who get angry and
try to debate the decision. Everyone who does hiring has
stories about rejected candidates who wouldn't stop arguing the
decision, and some who got so angry that they were scary.
3. The reason you were rejected is an awkward one.
It's one thing to explain that you needed stronger writing skills or
more bookkeeping experience. But most people don't want to have to
explain that you seemed like a jerk, or crazy, or not very bright.
4. They don't have time. Offering up thoughtful
feedback to every rejected candidate could be a job unto itself, and
ultimately that's not what hiring staffers are there for.
5. They did tell you the reason and you don't believe them. A
lot of times "you were really great, but someone else was a better
fit," is just the truth.
All that said, you have nothing to lose by writing back and asking for feedback after you get that vague rejection E-mail. If you do it well (politely, non-defensively) and you have an interviewer who wants to help, you just may get some helpful advice.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
This poem is from August 2005. It describes my favorite thing to do- write and let loose.
A Place to Let Loose
bright, medium(-sized)
bright, medium(-sized)
writing, reading, revising
where I’m always free to be- me
august 2005,
original poem,
Friday, August 20, 2010
Mistakes & Rakes
This is a poem I wrote in August '05.
Mistakes I have made,
this is true;
but how in the world
am I to know what to do?
I'm so scared;
I feel like I'm lost,
like I'm all alone.
How come it seems
so easy to just
dial a # on the phone?
Why can't I do it?
Instead I just wind up
throwing a big fit.
Confusion and animosity
are all that surround me.
There isn't even a peaceful
place to take a pee.
How is anyone supposed
to think in this mess?
There's nothing left to do-
nothing except stress.
No one to turn to,
nowhere to run;
there's not even
time to have fun.
So many things have
changed. Lately it seems
from all my friends I've
become astranged.
Seems like trouble
is always around the bend.
Sometimes I just wish
I had that one special friend.
We'd laugh, we'd joke, we'd
even call each other dorks.
Sometimes we could even
stab each other with forks.
I seem to make the
stupidest mistakes-
like hitting my little
brother with rakes.
It seems like everyone
around me knows
my weaknesses.
At least this time
there were no witnesses!
I'm such an idiot sometimes.
I just can't get away from it.
Please excuse me now while
I sink in this bottomless pit!
original karate kid,
original poem,
could you please help me out by confirming me as an author for all 4 of my blogs on NetworkedBlogs? http://ping.fm/bzUeH http://ping.fm/6Efau http://ping.fm/yetRm http://ping.fm/SCszp
Thursday, August 19, 2010
8 Toys from the 90's That I Really Miss (and 1 Toy I Don't)
I was a kid in the late 80's/early 90's; a bit young for New Kids on the Block, but way too old for Barney the Dinosaur. We
did spends loads of time playing with Barbie, Legos, and these
following toys that seemed to have been over in a time span shorter than
Vanilla Ice's career. Hey, universe, plaid and ripped jeans have made a
comeback; bring back my Super Soaker!

Tamagotchi's! Mine never lived that long, but wait! Sometimes the buttons would malfunction, making it impossible for you to remove their, ahem, waste droppings. I swear! (above)

POGs. Remember? You flipped them or threw them or something? The ying-yang POGs up there might be the most 90's thing ever.

Hungry Hungry Hippos was clearly the best game ever, although looking back, it might have secretly been an astute metaphor for capitalist greed...

Troll dolls. How did we ever sleep with these creepy things staring at us from the nightstand?? I loved them though, must say!

Gak. Did anyone else have the pizza-scented Gak? That stuff was nasty. Looking back, Nickelodeon was basically the cultural embodiment of the 90's.

Super Soakers! I'm sure they still make these in some super high-tech version that comes with a clutch and a gear-shift, but I remember pumping that air-pressure gizmo until I was blue in the face.

Skip-It. What other toy could you play with while simultaneously trying to trip your sister?

Beanie Babies. We all talked our parents into buying us fuzzy platypus after fuzzy platypus by saying that eventually we could sell them all as collectors' items and thus finance our college education. Well, that didn't turn out so well. UPDATE: I just did some Googling and found out Ty is still in business and cranking out the Beanies (and also something called "Ty Girlz"), but judging from their slightly ghetto website they're not pulling in a huge bankroll from pawning off Inch the Worm.

Stretch Armstrong. Remember how cool those commercials were of kids yanking poor Stretch's corn-syrup-filled rubbery limbs clear across the room? Where did you go, Stretch? Come back.... No wait please don't. I don't need to deal with that mess again.
What toys do you miss from your childhood?
Tamagotchi's! Mine never lived that long, but wait! Sometimes the buttons would malfunction, making it impossible for you to remove their, ahem, waste droppings. I swear! (above)
POGs. Remember? You flipped them or threw them or something? The ying-yang POGs up there might be the most 90's thing ever.
Hungry Hungry Hippos was clearly the best game ever, although looking back, it might have secretly been an astute metaphor for capitalist greed...
Troll dolls. How did we ever sleep with these creepy things staring at us from the nightstand?? I loved them though, must say!
Gak. Did anyone else have the pizza-scented Gak? That stuff was nasty. Looking back, Nickelodeon was basically the cultural embodiment of the 90's.
Super Soakers! I'm sure they still make these in some super high-tech version that comes with a clutch and a gear-shift, but I remember pumping that air-pressure gizmo until I was blue in the face.
Skip-It. What other toy could you play with while simultaneously trying to trip your sister?
Beanie Babies. We all talked our parents into buying us fuzzy platypus after fuzzy platypus by saying that eventually we could sell them all as collectors' items and thus finance our college education. Well, that didn't turn out so well. UPDATE: I just did some Googling and found out Ty is still in business and cranking out the Beanies (and also something called "Ty Girlz"), but judging from their slightly ghetto website they're not pulling in a huge bankroll from pawning off Inch the Worm.
Stretch Armstrong. Remember how cool those commercials were of kids yanking poor Stretch's corn-syrup-filled rubbery limbs clear across the room? Where did you go, Stretch? Come back.... No wait please don't. I don't need to deal with that mess again.
What toys do you miss from your childhood?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Has Social Networking Gone Too Far?
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming
genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins
working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what
begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a
revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends
later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for
this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal
Written by
Columbia Pictures
Has social networking finally gone too far? You tell me. The above is a plot summary for the upcoming movie "The Social Network" due out October 1st of this year. View the trailer...here
Facebook's Founders Talk About The "Facebook Movie"
Has social networking finally gone too far? You tell me. The above is a plot summary for the upcoming movie "The Social Network" due out October 1st of this year. View the trailer...here
Facebook's Founders Talk About The "Facebook Movie"
facebook movie,
social media,
social networking
Monday, August 16, 2010
So many of you may be wondering... "how does she come up with all these blog entries?"
i subscribe to many sites, my uncle sends me lots of stuff, and I read others blogs so that's how i get entries. I always ask for a blogger's permission before I use their entry and when I use their entry, I make sure I give them credit.
feel free to take some of my entries if you want. just keep all the links that are in the entry and link it back to my blog (whichever one you took it from-all are set to public view and comment) then let me know you did it so I can read your blog :-)
i subscribe to many sites, my uncle sends me lots of stuff, and I read others blogs so that's how i get entries. I always ask for a blogger's permission before I use their entry and when I use their entry, I make sure I give them credit.
feel free to take some of my entries if you want. just keep all the links that are in the entry and link it back to my blog (whichever one you took it from-all are set to public view and comment) then let me know you did it so I can read your blog :-)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Freakin Computer Problems....again!
These computer issues day after day are driving me nuts anymore!!! My
network has been experiencing connection issues lately (including today
at about 8:30 pm when I finally have a chance to get on the internet).
Luckily just unplugging the router and plugging it back in a couple of
seconds later has worked. But now I had other issues. Oye!
The first of latest issues is this. My internet is taking over 10 minutes (literally 10 minutes) to start up sometimes. (I have both Internet Explorer 8 or 9 [whichever one was the last released] and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8 [the latest update] but I mostly use Firefox because IE was always just a hassle for me and constantly crashed plus now that I have my own laptop I can download anything I want and I don't have to answer to anyone but myself. So on to what I thought maybe I could do to help speed up the entry into the internet. I thought to myself "This is just ridiculous. There is no good reason why the internet should take this long to load... even to just start up. Maybe I could see what add-ons I don't use very often." DIng. I had 23 add-ons well added on to customize FF the way I want it to and to make browsing easier. So I removed just 2 of them- DownThemAll Download Manager and SearchPreview which inserts preview images (thumbnails) of web sites and popularity ranks into Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines. I restarted firefox and magically it started up and all the pages I previously had open loaded within 5 minutes. I was soooo happy cos I fixed my issue and still got to keep the add-ons I love most (I'll be kind and put those in a separate entry)!
My next issue came about when I checked if any of my plugins needed updating. Of course they do, why wouldn't they?! Anything to keep me from my blogs longer. It's already been over an hour! My issue came about when I tried to install the Flash Player update. I hit download but FF says I need to install a missing plugin in order to dl Flash updates. So I install the plugin but when I try to open the file (an xpi file) it won't open...my issue! "WTH" I think to myself. Here I am goin crazy trying to figure out what to do. I need that flash update. After about another half hour I was about to give up then I decided to let Windows try and find a program to open the file. No luck there. "What do I do? hmmmmm...Eh try a google search." I typed in XPI and suggestions popped up- XPI, XPI file, XPI file opener. I selected XPI file opener and I see "How install .xpi file into firefox?" "This is too perfect" I click the link and start reading. schrodinger's cat says "File, Open, find the file and install it that way. Or, open Firefox, open the folder where you put the xpi, and just drag the xpi onto the Firefox window. It will install itself." "OMG is it that simple?!" I open the dl folder and drag the file into firefox address bar and click enter.. bing.. it works! I can install it as an add-on! I install and restart and then go back and install the Flash update and it works!!!
The first of latest issues is this. My internet is taking over 10 minutes (literally 10 minutes) to start up sometimes. (I have both Internet Explorer 8 or 9 [whichever one was the last released] and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8 [the latest update] but I mostly use Firefox because IE was always just a hassle for me and constantly crashed plus now that I have my own laptop I can download anything I want and I don't have to answer to anyone but myself. So on to what I thought maybe I could do to help speed up the entry into the internet. I thought to myself "This is just ridiculous. There is no good reason why the internet should take this long to load... even to just start up. Maybe I could see what add-ons I don't use very often." DIng. I had 23 add-ons well added on to customize FF the way I want it to and to make browsing easier. So I removed just 2 of them- DownThemAll Download Manager and SearchPreview which inserts preview images (thumbnails) of web sites and popularity ranks into Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines. I restarted firefox and magically it started up and all the pages I previously had open loaded within 5 minutes. I was soooo happy cos I fixed my issue and still got to keep the add-ons I love most (I'll be kind and put those in a separate entry)!
My next issue came about when I checked if any of my plugins needed updating. Of course they do, why wouldn't they?! Anything to keep me from my blogs longer. It's already been over an hour! My issue came about when I tried to install the Flash Player update. I hit download but FF says I need to install a missing plugin in order to dl Flash updates. So I install the plugin but when I try to open the file (an xpi file) it won't open...my issue! "WTH" I think to myself. Here I am goin crazy trying to figure out what to do. I need that flash update. After about another half hour I was about to give up then I decided to let Windows try and find a program to open the file. No luck there. "What do I do? hmmmmm...Eh try a google search." I typed in XPI and suggestions popped up- XPI, XPI file, XPI file opener. I selected XPI file opener and I see "How install .xpi file into firefox?" "This is too perfect" I click the link and start reading. schrodinger's cat says "File, Open, find the file and install it that way. Or, open Firefox, open the folder where you put the xpi, and just drag the xpi onto the Firefox window. It will install itself." "OMG is it that simple?!" I open the dl folder and drag the file into firefox address bar and click enter.. bing.. it works! I can install it as an add-on! I install and restart and then go back and install the Flash update and it works!!!
Please computer gods.... no more issues!
I'm being driven bonkers!!!
I'm being driven bonkers!!!
computer gods,
enough to drive me nuts,
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Quotes directly as stolen from Bill Rancic's Twitter (@BillRancic)
Does anyone have any thoughts or comments on one or more of these quotes?
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein
"Don't take your success for granted, but do take it in stride. Nobody likes a braggart, wear your accomplishments with grace & humility!" -Bill Rancic
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives". William Wallace may have said it best...Let's live today to the fullest!
Hope u like this 1 "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, & your government when it deserves it". -Mark Twain. Have a gr8 4th of July
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein
"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business" -Henry Ford...I couldn't agree more with him!
"Failure is success if we learn from it" -Malcolm Forbes
"Things do not change; we change" -Henry David Thoreau. We need 2 realize that we r in control of our future, not the other way around.
"I've failed over & over & over again in my life & that is why I succeed" Michael Jordan. It's only a failure if we fail to learn from it.
"It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference" Tom Brokaw
Friday, August 13, 2010
Outrage -- A nurse just arrested after cops say she poisoned her husband with Oreo pudding...
What are your thoughts on this tragedy? I cant believe this! it's sad and insane! it's so ridiculous its funny.
Nancy Grace: Outrage -- A nurse just arrested after cops say she poisoned her husband with Oreo pudding laced with 80 times the recommended dosage of morphine & muscle relaxants! She claimed he drank himself to death!
dirt pudding,
nancy grace,
oreo pudding,
Thursday, August 12, 2010
1) i received my sync cord in the mail and installed the "optional" software that most did not have but was actually needed! I hope to either tomorrow (after babysitting) or saturday to begin uploading all the photos from on my phone :-) then update that cookie blog entry! :-) :-)
2) Regarding yesterday's 1st blog entry from Mashable:
The prank was created by brothers John and Leo Resig for their humor site, theCHIVE.com. Peter Kafka from AllThingsD grew suspicious of the story yesterday and did some digging. Porterfield has also tweeted confirmation of her role in the stunt.
2) Regarding yesterday's 1st blog entry from Mashable:
HPOA Jenny Was a Fake!
Yesterday, we fell in love with “Jenny,” a young woman who quit her job through a series of amusing whiteboard messages. Alas, this one was too good to be true. “Jenny” is really Elyse Porterfield, an aspiring actress from Glendale, California.The prank was created by brothers John and Leo Resig for their humor site, theCHIVE.com. Peter Kafka from AllThingsD grew suspicious of the story yesterday and did some digging. Porterfield has also tweeted confirmation of her role in the stunt.
A word from Jenny (16 Photos)
Author: John
blog updates,
dry erase board,
girl quits her job,
the chive,
white board,
At The Car Wash- a True Story
Bill owns a
company that manufactures and installs car wash
systems. Bill's company installed a car
wash system in Frederick, Maryland,
USA. Now, understand that these are
complete systems, including the money changer
and money taking machines.
The problem started when the new owner complained to Bill that he was losing significant amounts of money from his coin machines each week.
He went as far as to accuse Bill's employees of having a key to the boxes and ripping him off.
Bill just couldn't believe that his people would do that, so they setup a camera to catch the thief in action. Well, they did catch him on film!

That's a bird sitting on the change slot of the machine.

The bird had to go down into the machine, and back up inside to get to the money!

That's three quarters he has in his beak! Another amazing thing is that it was not just one bird -- there were several working together. Once they identified the thieves, they found over $4000 in quarters on the roof of the car wash and more under a nearby tree!
The problem started when the new owner complained to Bill that he was losing significant amounts of money from his coin machines each week.
He went as far as to accuse Bill's employees of having a key to the boxes and ripping him off.
Bill just couldn't believe that his people would do that, so they setup a camera to catch the thief in action. Well, they did catch him on film!
That's a bird sitting on the change slot of the machine.
The bird had to go down into the machine, and back up inside to get to the money!
That's three quarters he has in his beak! Another amazing thing is that it was not just one bird -- there were several working together. Once they identified the thieves, they found over $4000 in quarters on the roof of the car wash and more under a nearby tree!
you thought you heard of everything by now!! !!
And to think
the phrase 'bird brain' is associated with being
dumb. Not these
bird brain,
car wash,
smartest criminals,
smartest thieves,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
WTF! Crazy McNuggets lady
You've heard of road rage, well now how about McNugget rage. It seems an incident in a McDonald's outlet in Toledo, Ohio so upset one customer that she launched a tirade of abuse. WTF! Is this lady insane or what?! Besides that my only other question is why is this just now making the news when the whole incident happened new years day? I understand that police just released this video, but still..this insanity should have been public news all over the world way before now.
UPDATE: Toledo police release video of the "McNuggets Rage" incident
JANUARY 4--Meet Melodi Dushane.
Angered that Chicken McNuggets were not available at an Ohio McDonald's, the Toledo woman allegedly put her fist through the eatery's drive-thru window. The January 1 McNuggets rage incident resulted in Dushane, 24, being arrested for felony vandalism and booked into the Lucas County jail, where the mug shot at left was snapped.
According to a Toledo Police Department report, Dushane pulled up to the drive-thru window Friday at 6:20 AM and ordered "Chicken McNuggets and other dinner items." When informed that McDonald's stopped serving dinner selections at 2:30 AM, Dushane began arguing with employee Melissa Vasquez. At one point, Dushane "leaned out of her car, into the window, and punched Melissa in her mouth," cops reported.
When night manager Tia Walker appeared at the window, Dushane took a swing at her, prompting a tussle. When the women separated, Dushane "then punched the drive through window, breaking it" and sending glass flying everywhere. The scene of the alleged chicken crime can be seen here, thanks to Google's Street View feature. Dushane, next due in court on January 28, has been ordered to stay away from the fast food outlet.
Last March, a Florida woman was arrested after she called 911 three times to complain that a McDonald's was out of Chicken McNuggets. "This is an emergency. If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money, and now she wants to give me a McDouble, but I don't want one," Latreasa Goodman told a police operator.
UPDATE: Toledo police release video of the "McNuggets Rage" incident
JANUARY 4--Meet Melodi Dushane.
Angered that Chicken McNuggets were not available at an Ohio McDonald's, the Toledo woman allegedly put her fist through the eatery's drive-thru window. The January 1 McNuggets rage incident resulted in Dushane, 24, being arrested for felony vandalism and booked into the Lucas County jail, where the mug shot at left was snapped.
According to a Toledo Police Department report, Dushane pulled up to the drive-thru window Friday at 6:20 AM and ordered "Chicken McNuggets and other dinner items." When informed that McDonald's stopped serving dinner selections at 2:30 AM, Dushane began arguing with employee Melissa Vasquez. At one point, Dushane "leaned out of her car, into the window, and punched Melissa in her mouth," cops reported.
When night manager Tia Walker appeared at the window, Dushane took a swing at her, prompting a tussle. When the women separated, Dushane "then punched the drive through window, breaking it" and sending glass flying everywhere. The scene of the alleged chicken crime can be seen here, thanks to Google's Street View feature. Dushane, next due in court on January 28, has been ordered to stay away from the fast food outlet.
Last March, a Florida woman was arrested after she called 911 three times to complain that a McDonald's was out of Chicken McNuggets. "This is an emergency. If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money, and now she wants to give me a McDouble, but I don't want one," Latreasa Goodman told a police operator.
aol news,
chicken nuggets,
fast food,
McNugget rage,
melodi dushane,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Woman Publicly Outs Boss for Playing "FarmVille" at Work
As posted on MASHABLE
August 10, 2010 by Lauren Indvik
Yesterday morning, a woman named Jenny announced that she was
quitting her job through a series of messages written on dry erase
boards, which she photographed and e-mailed out to her entire office of
roughly 20 employees. Those photos — and a wildly amusing supposed
backstory — have since found their way to the Internet.
The boards reveal that Jenny overheard a phone conversation in which her boss called her a “HOPA” (Hot Piece of Ass), effectively inspiring her to leave — and to take revenge via the dry erase board messages. But Jenny decided to take things a step further by disclosing not only her boss’s misconduct, but also how he spends his time online, since he both monitors his employees’ online activity and gave her access to the monitoring software.
The boards reveal exactly how much time Jenny’s boss spent trading stocks, reading tech news and, yes, playing FarmVille. It looks like Bulgarian city councilman Dimitar Kerin won’t be the last employee to get canned because of his FarmVille addiction.
We’ve reached out to confirm the authenticity of the backstory (which, could just be a well-orchestrated but nonetheless funny prank), which originally appeared on theCHIVE, but you can enjoy the full comedy in the gallery below:
The boards reveal that Jenny overheard a phone conversation in which her boss called her a “HOPA” (Hot Piece of Ass), effectively inspiring her to leave — and to take revenge via the dry erase board messages. But Jenny decided to take things a step further by disclosing not only her boss’s misconduct, but also how he spends his time online, since he both monitors his employees’ online activity and gave her access to the monitoring software.
The boards reveal exactly how much time Jenny’s boss spent trading stocks, reading tech news and, yes, playing FarmVille. It looks like Bulgarian city councilman Dimitar Kerin won’t be the last employee to get canned because of his FarmVille addiction.
We’ve reached out to confirm the authenticity of the backstory (which, could just be a well-orchestrated but nonetheless funny prank), which originally appeared on theCHIVE, but you can enjoy the full comedy in the gallery below:
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1 of 32 Photos
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