Acceptance Speech
First of all I would like to thank all my current fans and followers- without you or your support I'd be bored and far less random. I'd also like to thank the academy (ok just kidding). I'd like to thank my future readers and followers who aren't even reading this right now. I'd like to thank them because they will become an important reason why I keep blogging. I'd like to thank God for creating me and allowing me to share my randomosity with the world and for creating the people who made computers and software and the internet and blogging. Without all of you and them none of this would be possible. Thank you again! Here's to many many more! Have a great night!
Time for some fan imput!
How should I celebrate? What should entry 101 be about? Should I keep 101 as "21 Things Hiring Managers Wish You Knew (day 5)" or be random and do something different- something special? Will someone make me an award I can display on my blog please?